From short-term tactical help to more strategic assistance, we work with your organisation to implement good equality and diversity practice. Our services include coaching, mentoring, training, consultancy, facilitation and assessment. These are often delivered in combination and are always tailored to your organisation’s specific needs.
We produce resources and publications covering all issues relating to equality and diversity and we run the Equality Network, a National Network committed to equality, diversity and social inclusion, supporting organisations and practitioners to develop awareness, understanding and skills to promote equality and tackle discrimination.
One-day Open Course to provide advanced EDI practitioners with the skills and knowledge to take their training and organisational initiatives to the next level. Participants will engage in a series of interactive sessions that focus on practical application, critical reflection, and collaborative learning.
EDI Essentials 21 May
Unconscious Bias 14 May
Train the Trainer 15 May
Anti-Racism 15 July
Equality Impact Assessments 8 May
Equality Champions 9 May
Advanced EDI Course 19 May
Courageous Conversations 21 May
Microaggressions (Half day) 16 May
Sexual Harassment (Half day) 9 May
Full day: £395, Half day: £295
E-Learning Courses
Equality Impact Assessments
The Inclusive Workplace
Unconscious Bias
Race Equality in the Workplace
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
£35 per course with reductions for larger groups
Anti-Racism Book Club
31 March: 6.00 pm - 7.00 pm
Courageous Conversations about Race
12 May: 6.00 pm - 7.15 pm
One day in-depth training on the effective delivery of equality and diversity. This workshop will enable you increase your effectiveness in designing, planning and delivering Equality and Diversity within your own and other organisations
Read MoreThis course covers the principles of Equality and Diversity in the workplace including both awareness and responsibilities. This course explores attitudes, values and belief in a safe and fair environment taking it far beyond the legislation. We look at the business, moral and legal case for equality.
Read MoreEquality Champions (often known as Diversity Champions) are recognised as playing a central role in disseminating good practice and encouraging the promotion of equalities within organisations. Equality Champions should be formally represented on the Board of Trustees and/or Equality and Diversity Committees
Read moreThe training is intended to alert participants to bias that could affect decisions regarding recruitment, promotion and attitudes to others in the workplace.
The programme includes flexible working initiatives and mentoring
Read MoreThis training course deals with managing diversity in the workplace.
It is targeted at supporting staff and managers to proactively plan to meet the needs of racially diverse people.
Read MoreStarting at the very beginning, this course takes delegates step by step through all the key elements of the Equality Analysis process.
We will demystify the EA process, assume little or no prior learning and focus on giving delegates time to debate issues, ask questions and then put into practice what they learn.
Read MoreKnowing what, when and how to challenge can be difficult. Within your role you will, at times, be required to challenge others' behaviour because you think it is potentially discriminatory; there are some attitudes, language and behaviours that are unacceptable: e.g. racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, disablist, ageist. This course prepares you to have those courageous conversations.
Read MoreThis advanced course is tailored specifically for individuals who have already completed our Train the Trainer, EDI Champions courses, or are EDI trainers or EDI leads and are actively engaged in supporting their organisations to embed EDI training and initiatives. This course will equip you with the tools and approaches needed to create meaningful change within your organisations.
Read MoreThis course is for all line managers at both operational and strategic levels. It will help delegates understand issues relating to discrimination, victimisation and harassment in the workplace - and the confidence to deal with them if they are alleged.
Read MoreDuring this in-depth training you will learn how to be a better ally and be able to understand, identify, confidently talk about and intervene to address racism and its link to white privilege and its consequences in your workplace, social circles, and relationships.
You will be better equipped to confront injustices and to have difficult conversations which is often hard to do, and empowered to be part of the change you want to see in the world.
Read MoreMicro-aggressions are an example of subtle, indirect discrimination against marginalised groups; small acts of prejudice which expose the speaker’s biases and can have negative repercussions on the lives of the recipients.
Delegates learn about the impact of micro-aggressions on interactions with others and increase awareness to manage and reduce them.
Read MoreThis course provides a detailed review of legislation and practical guidance on the impact these will have on employers.
This course is designed to support organisations through the next wave of legal changes.
Mental Health First Aid training
16/5, 16/7, 18/9, 10/11
Anti-Racism Book Club
31 March
Courageous Conversations: Race
12 May
Diversifying Leadership
21 October
£35 per course with reductions for larger groups
We have a range of e-learning courses available
Equality Impact Assessments, The Inclusive Workplace, Unconscious Bias, Race Equality in the Workplace, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
All of our bespoke Equality and Diversity in house courses are tailored to your exact needs, held in a venue of your choice at a time and date that suits you.
A full day's interactive training can cost as little as £45 per delegate
We provide cost effective EDI courses, nationwide, throughout the year
EDUK have produced and collated various resources to improve understanding of issues relating to Equality and Diversity.
Here are our most popular resources
Accusations of discrimination, harassment, bullying, victimisation? We provide one to one equality and diversity training for directors, managers, staff and employees. We run a range of 1:1 workshops to help you implement EDI policies, practices and procedures
Please take a look at feedback
we have received from training sessions
Alyson Malach: Director of EDUK:
For more information on our Director, Alyson Malach,
please click here
Our service provides a safe, confidential, and supportive space for individuals experiencing racism to seek emotional support, share their experiences, and access valuable resources. We are here to listen, support, and empower anyone affected by racism.
Call us on 0161 763 4783 or 07540 123 564
Email us at
Latest Courses:
Inclusive Recruitment, Selection, and Interviewing
EDI for Public Sector Organisations
EDI for Charities and the Voluntary Sector
Employment Rights and Equality Bill Review
How to be an Active Bystander
Addressing Bullying 1:1 Session
Meeting the Needs of Protected Groups in the ...
EDI Consultancy Services
Our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Consultancy service aims to offer comprehensive guidance and support to organisations striving to enhance their Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion practices across all nine protected characteristics and socio-economic issues, as well as addressing bullying, whistleblowing, and policy development.
More info
Make enquiry
Policy Reviews
Keeping your policies current and relevant is crucial, though it can be challenging and time-consuming. The assurance that your policies reflect the latest legislation and best practices in inclusion is invaluable. Our team will partner with you to create well-written, comprehensive policies and action plans. We support your organisation in embedding and acting on EDI issues, ensuring your policies set a strong foundation and clarify employee expectations.
Upcoming Events:
Anti-Racism Book Club
31 March: 6.00 - 7.00
Courageous Conversations about Race
12 May: 6.00 - 7.15
Diversifying Leadership
21 October 10.00 - 1.00
Join the Change - Make a difference by becoming a school Governor!
Did you know that while 34% of children in schools are from ethnically diverse backgrounds, only 7% of governors reflect that diversity? We believe our schools should represent the communities they serve
EDUK Governors Network connects individuals in the governance space with each other and provides EDI training to schools
Please click here for more information
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion for Public Sector Organisations
Public bodies have a legal obligation to meet their Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) responsibilities. At EDUK, we offer bespoke support to help public institutions embed EDI into their services, policies, and organisational culture, ensuring they meet statutory requirements and promote equitable treatment for all.
Please click here for more information
Equality and Diversity UK is a specialist training company focusing on equality and diversity in the private, public and voluntary sectors. We provide training courses, seminars, resources and we run the Equality and Diversity Network. Please look at the evaluations we have received
Find Out More
If you would like to know more about us, please
download this:
We Are and What We Do
For more information on our Director, Alyson Malach, please
click here
Read our
EDUK Strategic Plan 2025-28 and Equality Scheme and Action Plan
If you would like to make an enquiry, please
click here
If you are an organisation looking to improve your image or extend your workforce to make it more diverse then contact us and we will provide you with a free initial assessment of your organisation's needs and tailor‑make any training or consultancy to match and fit your context and organisational culture.
In-House Training | Open Training CoursesAs well as our off the shelf range of training resources, we can design and produce bespoke resources for your organisation, including help with equality policies and impact assessments.
ResourcesThe Equality Network offers members access to hundreds of resources, all available to download from the Network website. Amongst other benefits, members have access to: free telephone and email support on any equality, diversity and inclusion matters affecting your organisation and a access to the Equality Review, our quarterly publication with news and features about Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
NetworkOur training programmes have been developed and refined since 1997. We believe our training is effective because it is
We will discuss and agree the precise content of the training programme (we offer pre-training questionnaires to all staff to help this process). All training is then genuinely tailored to your needs and circumstances, whether you want a single workshop or a full in-house programme. All our training is supported by high quality hand books. Pre-course activities are used to encourage delegates to consider the issues before the training and to ensure that the programme is tailored to specific needs.
All programmes have a set day/half day rate. If an organisation requires several days' training we will negotiate the cost of training. All our work is evaluated and changes made where necessary to ensure quality and relevance.
Find Out More
To find out more, please
go to our Training page
If you would like to make an enquiry, please
click here
Click here to see our Policy on awarding training Certificates
EDUK delivers learning to initiate change in actions, behaviours and support, so we want delegates to share their actions going forward as well as acknowledging new learning, and a commitment to change. The completion of feedback is also for the benefit of the employer, who pays for the training, so they can see that learning has taken place and their investment in staff training has been worthwhile and will make a difference.
After the training, we ask delegates to record their learning and action points. These are read and assessed to allow us to measure leaning and, if we can evidence that learning has taken place, we issue a Certificate of Achievement.
Why do we do this? Because, in our experience, some people attend EDI training to tick a box and want to receive a Certificate for just turning up on the day. If people who are unwilling to give feedback receive the same Certificate that is awarded to others who have taken on board the learning and committed to change, then the Certificate becomes meaningless.
We are happy to provide a simple confirmation of attendance for people who don’t want to complete feedback.
Click here to download our Evaluation/Feedback Completion RequirementFind Out More
To find out more, please
go to our Open Training page
If you would like to make an enquiry, please
click here
We are specialists in the design and delivery of cost effective, face-to-face equality, diversity and inclusion training. We deliver a wide range of courses, such as an Introduction to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, Managing Equality and Diversity in Recruitment and Selection, Unconscious Bias, Embedding Equality into the Curriculum as well as our flagship course - Train the Trainer.
All of our courses are tailored to the participants by use of a pre-course questionnaire that explores the specific requirements of all delegates and ensures that their individual needs are met on the day.
We run courses around the country - London, Manchester and Birmingham are our main venues - meaning easy access for most people with timings designed to meet your parental and caring needs.
We run online courses via video conferencing - meaning easy access for most people with timings designed to meet your parental and caring needs.
At the end of each course, delegates are given a pack of materials to go away with to use back in their organisations, and all delegates are given a free three month membership of the Equality Network.
EDUK delivers learning to initiate change in actions, behaviours and support, so we want delegates to share their actions going forward as well as acknowledging new learning, and a commitment to change. The completion of feedback is also for the benefit of the employer, who pays for the training, so they can see that learning has taken place and their investment in staff training has been worthwhile and will make a difference.
After the training, we ask delegates to record their learning and action points. These are read and assessed to allow us to measure leaning and, if we can evidence that learning has taken place, we issue a Certificate of Achievement.
Why do we do this? Because, in our experience, some people attend EDI training to tick a box and want to receive a Certificate for just turning up on the day. If people who are unwilling to give feedback receive the same Certificate that is awarded to others who have taken on board the learning and committed to change, then the Certificate becomes meaningless.
We are happy to provide a simple confirmation of attendance for people who don’t want to complete feedback.
Click here to download our Evaluation/Feedback Completion Requirement
We produce a range of equality and diversity resources and materials for personal and professional development
that you and your organisation can use.
Our resources contain information, publications, statistics and resources to
improve understanding of issues relating to equality and diversity.
Included are PDF files, quizzes and activities to use in colleges,
schools and work based learning organisations, as well as other public
and private sector
organisations. These resources also support other providers who work with diverse groups of people and individuals.
Please take a look at our Resources Page where you can view
samples of all the packs. Packs are available for purchase on CD,
download or we can send by email.
We can also write bespoke
materials for your specific requirements - please contact us to find out
Find Out More
To find out more about our resources, please
go to our Resources page
If you would like to make an enquiry, please
click here
The Equality Network is a National Network committed to equality, diversity and social inclusion; supporting organisations and practitioners to develop awareness, understanding and skills to promote equality and tackle discrimination.
Membership of the Network offers members access to hundreds of resources, all available to download from the Network website. Amongst other benefits, members have access to:
Find Out More
To find out more, please
go to our Network page
If you would like to make an enquiry, please
click here
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